So you have a little bit of information in here.

We also have our clock, let’s go ahead and add my slides back in here. So if you have movies or audio on your sides, you may want to leave this on. So when I deselect this, you’ll see that that bar is no longer there.
Once that movie is done, or once the music is done on that particular slide, then what you’ll see is ready to advance you’ll see the green bar. So if you have a movie that is playing, while displaying, you will not see that green bar up at the top here because it’s not ready to advance. Basically what this does is this turns green when the slide is ready to move on to the next slide. Now if you do not have a live video object, you’ll want to turn this off, we can also have the ready to advance indicator, this is the green bar that is up at the top here. So I can kind of see if I’m getting off of the camera or anything like that. This is going to show throughout all of the slides. If you have a live video slide the object where you can add a live video, you can always show that so you can kind of see how you’re positioned even though you’re not on that slide. So we can easily customize what is shown on our presenter display. I’m going to move this out of the way again, here are my presenter notes, I no longer want to see that I just deselect it. The next slide, I deselect this, and it no longer shows. We can also set if we want to see the next slide, we can see what we have here. So we can see that we have here my current slide if I do not want to see the current slide, maybe I can see it on the projector, I just deselect this, and we can see I removed it from my presenter display, it is still going to show when you’re given the presentation, it’s just not going to show on this presenter display.

This window here allows us to add and remove different options for our presenter display. In order to customize what we see here, what we do is we go to this window that I moved around a little bit ago. And then I have let’s go ahead and move this out of here. I also have the live video source, I do have a live video object. I also have the current slide, I can see what the next slide is or how many builds there are remaining. Now right now I can see that I have a clock up here. And from here I’m able to customize what I see.
When I select this, it does go into full screen mode. And then you go down to customize presenter display. What you need to do is go up to play in the menu bar. In order to customize what you see when you’re given the presentation.
But then what you can do is you can set to see the presenter notes, you can see what the next slide is you can add a timer, we can customize what the presenter sees this is going to show on the Mac itself. When you have it hooked up to a second monitor or projector, when you give your slideshow, your attendees are going to see your slides that you’ve just built. In most cases, when you give a presentation, you’ll probably have it hooked up to a projector. Now this best works when you hook up a second monitor to your computer to your Mac. And what we can do when we’re given the presentation is customize what we see as the presenter. In this video, we’re going to look at how we can customize the presenter display.